Wednesday, July 9, 2014

What is an Arduino?

  Arduino, an open-source prototyping platform, which allows people to control electronic parts from a simple and easy-to-use circuit board.  There are many variations of the Arduino ranging from small chip-sized Arduinos to credit card sized ones. The software for the Arduino is very simple and follows the basic principles of C++. With all of the variations of the Arduino they all have same platform but some may have different applications it is used for.  An average starter Arduino, which was my first one, is the Uno.  The Arduino Uno is a great median because it offers advanced features and a cheap price, listing at only 25 dollars.  Many projects have used the Arduino and since 2005 many improvements have been made. This board has been shown in almost every Maker-Faire because it has so many uses that have reached past the average geek.

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